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From Encyc

How much do you wanna bet that [REDACTED] will get angry and delete this?

I think you need to read this.

Leave Dove alone. She didn't do anything. Neither did I. Your problem is with Auggie. Just Auggie. Nobody else.

(Btw, in case you failed to notice the obvious, this isn't Wikipedia. Nobody cares about what anyone did on Wikipedia. I'm sure you'll find most of us were banned from there for some reason or other. That place is a cesspool. Being banned from there is a good thing.)

Now leave her stuff and my stuff alone and go bother Auggie. — Alexander (talk) 08:26, 7 July 2019 (CDT)

Ah, so you admit it. This place only exists for vandals who are angry that WP won't take their shit! Also, accusing me of transphobia. That's a bizarre one, but whatever justifies your actions! At least it shows you haven't turned hard right, I guess

So do you personally know Les or something? I don't get it. Why does it bother you that there are a few pages on the internet about him? Would you like a few pages about yourself? Have you done something noteworthy? Auggie (talk) 19:25, 7 July 2019 (CDT)

1) No. 2) Because he is using someone else's website to promote himself, through blatant lies? 3) Have I done literally anything notable. NO. I do not want an article with which to make shit up.

The fact that article has the amount of views it has, even if many of them are probably botted/fake/from VPNs etc. means that at least one moron has fallen for his turd of an article. Also, it ruins any chance you have at being seen as more as "That dead wiki that nobody cares about"/"That place where that senile old man brags about how great he is"/"Vandal heaven" etc.

So you're trying to help? If so can I please ask that you help me out less. It's kind of tedious reverting vandalism.
As for Les using someone else's website, I'm sure you know that happens all the time. Les could start a Facebook page saying how great he is. He could start a Les Golden appreciation group and invite all his friends to join. There would be nothing you could do to stop it. Complain to Zuckerberg? Good luck with that.
Yes his page has a lot of views. I'm sure many people found them interesting and maybe it added to their body of knowledge about gambling and the other things he is interested in. Would they be better off confronted with a blank screen? Watching cat videos on YouTube? Auggie (talk) 19:39, 7 July 2019 (CDT)

1) I am showing that my motive is more then just "lol le epic troll XDDD". 2) Rather he spew his crap on Republican Boomerland, at least then people will be less inclined to think it's true because "This looks like Wikipedia, so it must be true" 3) Does he even have any friends? If he just starts a circlejerk with his friends about how great he is, then that does no harm, because no one else will see it. Also knowing the crap he has said, he'd probably get nailed by a bot for hate speech or something. 4) Yes

It seems to me that your time would be better spent writing quality articles about topics that interest you. Get thousands of readers, and if only a few of them come around to your point of view, you've still done something worthwhile. Auggie (talk) 19:53, 7 July 2019 (CDT)